Why Haven’t We Seen Aliens
The Industrial Revolution began around 1760, and in just about 200 years, humanity progressed to landing on the moon. Many people are now planning missions to land on another planet within the next decade. How long might it take us to visit another star? If we maintain our current pace of technological development, it likely wouldn’t take more than a thousand years. And to cross the Milky Way galaxy? A million years should be more than sufficient.
The Milky Way is immense—it contains at least 100 billion stars and even more planets. Given its size, it’s highly likely that life has emerged and evolved on millions of these planets. Among those, even if just one planet is a million years more advanced than Earth, the intelligent beings there should have had the capability to reach us.
Yet, despite all this, it’s puzzling that we’ve never seen any signs of aliens. Why is that?