My Plants
I have a few plants at home, most of which are edible. Before winter arrived, I bought some strawberry and celery seeds to grow indoors, as Boston's winters are too cold for outdoor planting. Using some large pots I already had, I purchased a bag of compost and planted the seeds—one kind per pot.
The celery seeds germinated exceptionally well; nearly all of them sprouted. Now, one of my pots is teeming with tiny celery seedlings. The strawberries, on the other hand, were much less successful. Out of about 20 seeds I sowed, only two have grown so far.
The biggest challenge with indoor planting in winter is ensuring the plants receive enough sunlight. In Boston, daylight hours are short in winter. To make matters worse, there are trees outside my windows that, even without leaves, sometimes block the sunlight. To address this, I’ve been using a table lamp as a supplemental light source for my plants.